Thursday, April 08, 2010

These Martial Arts Exercises Will Improve Strength, Power, Speed, Quickness And Jumping Ability

By Yoshi Kundagawa

When thinking of exercising you need to think about Martial Arts exercises, in specific, Hapkido Training. These Exercises help to improve Martial Arts. The benefits of doing this exercise is the fact you are working out and you do not get out breath doing these. You will also learn, as I did, self-defense in the process. Knowing how to protect you and your loved ones is an excellent motivator; I know it was for me. These exercises will increase your cardiovascular and help tone your muscles to where you can increase your strength, power, speed, quickness and jumping abilities.

I noticed that my flexibility was greatly improved which lessened the over all discomfort and stiffness associated with many other exercises. The kickboxing itself will help improve your mobility.

I also noticed that my overall outlook on life was greatly improved, which made my days more enjoyable and pleasurable. Many people comment that their anger is increased by not feeling well, or due to a lack of energy.

As a parent of a child who takes martial arts, you might notice that his or her attitude about everything is better along with improved schoolwork. You might even notice that his or her other sports activities improved and he or she will want to participate.

These following exercises are design with specifics parts of the body and will help your Exercises to improve Martial Arts. The first exercise we will go over is the Basic Squat. To do the Basic Squat properly, you need to face directly forward, while placing your feet a little farther apart than your shoulders. Keep your upper body and back straight, with your hands in the forward fighting positions. Once you are in this position, slowly bend your knees while keeping everywhere else still. Keep your head and eyes straightforward. Once you have lowered yourself to where your thighs are parallel with the ground slowly raise back up.

Remember to start out slowly, and once you and your body get comfortable doing them, you can increase your pace and repetitions.

Next is kicking. With kicking, you should start out slowly, going to the basic first and working your way into more advanced kicks. I do not recommend jumping or round house kicks until you and your legs have adjusted properly. Also be sure to alternate from one leg to another.

Once you have mastered kicking, you can move onto Squat Kicking. To Squat Kick, you need to start out in a basic squat position and this time, when you raise up, carry out your kick starting out with your right leg first. Repeat this until you are confident enough and your legs is used to the action and then move onto your left leg.

As with any exercise, I warn you to use caution. You will also want to wear the appropriate clothing, these need to be loose enough to move around in but not too loose to where you trip over them. Each of these Exercises helps to improve Martial Arts.

Yoshi E Kundagawa is a freelance journalist. He covers the mixed martial arts industry. For a free report on Exercises to improve Martial Arts visit his blog.

Yoshi Kundagawa is a freelance journalist covering the martial arts world. Too much time at his computer eating donuts reduced him to couch potato status. He's on a quest to recapture his youth and fitness. You can read his blog at


For more on Martial Arts Exercises, see

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yoga to Improve Your Martial Arts

By Cornelius Harrington

Whatever style of martial art you practice, whether it is Brazilian jiu jitsu, karate, judo, or boxing, you should be aware of how important flexibility, balance and developing core strength are. If you want to gain the advantage over your competitors, you should give serious consideration to introducing yoga to your daily workout.

So how can a non-contact activity such as yoga improve the competitive, full contact nature of martial arts? Well yoga can improve your martial arts in many ways. Yoga has stood the test of time and has been around for thousands of years. Ancient yogi believed that for a man to be in harmony with himself and his environment, he needs to integrate his mind, body and spirit. To learn yoga you must gain control over your breathing, which is a fundamental concept that needs to be taught and developed. The acquired skill to control your breathing, then leads onto being able to control your mind through meditation.

Martial arts have similar principles to that of yoga. The martial artist must learn to use his mind to remain calm when placed in stressful situations. They should incorporate technique over brute strength and to not let a lack of size become an obstacle. The martial arts practitioner will train for years, developing his body and to learn to compete with others in a healthy way, helping to improve their spirit and to develop good character. Just like yoga, martial arts is about developing the body and the mind in unison.

The practice of yoga is a great way to develop core strength and balance, learning to breathe when placed in unusual positions. Imagine you are a practitioner of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and someone is trying to pass your guard by smashing you, so you are in an awkward position, finding it difficult to breathe. To some this may be enough for them to tap out, however, by practising yoga, you will be able remain calm, think, breathe and with the added flexibility you will have gained, manoeuvre into a more neutral position. If you are sparring in boxing or karate, you will be able to control your breathing, stay calm and focussed, allowing you to rely on technique and giving you to time to think about your next move.

Still not sure if yoga is for you? Yoga is being practised by some of the most elite martial artists out there, BJ Penn and Diego Sanchez both are UFC fighters. Rickson Gracie from the world renowned Gracie family is a yoga practitioner and there are many more, so why not start to incorporate yoga into your training regime and start to see improvements in your martial arts.

Learn yoga techniques to improve your martial arts and gain the edge over your competitors.


For more on improving your Martial Arts, see

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Friday, March 05, 2010

An Overview of the Martial Arts

By Dean K Michaels

When someone makes the decision to learn how to defend themselves or protect themselves and become a better person, what pops into the mind is martial arts. Different fighting styles is taught and learned all over the world.

The ancient arts have been learned for quite some time now throughout history but it was when Bruce Lee rose to fame they became really well known. Bruce Lee invented and practiced the technique of Jeet Kune Do which involves great counter defenses as well as fast striking. When people saw how fast Bruce Lee could move and how great he was at the art they started to want to learn for themselves, and find out how martial arts could help them.

Put into specific styles, these arts is broken down into certain groups. The style will depend on which country you are studying in and exactly what you want to do. A lot of countries offer the style of fighting art they invented, developed and refined. Brazilian Jui-Jitsu is offered in Brazil. Karate is offered in Japan. China has Shaolin. France has Savate, Thailand offers Muay Thai. Each style has different techniques and moves.

A lot of people think these styles are only for self defense but that is not always so. Martial arts competitions and tournaments are a regular practice in many countries, and techniques such as sparring, floor routines and at times the quite famous block and brick routines will be seen. Throughout the world competitions are held that give fighters the opportunity to show how much they have learned about the art.

At the top of the list these fighting arts teach someone how to protect themselves from a would be attacker, it helps people develop discipline and self control. When someone begins to learn a fighting style, they will soon develop a more positive state of mind. No matter which style of martial art is learned a more disciplined and controlled state of mind will be enforced through repetitive learning processes.

For those who are quick to anger and in need of learning levels of self control, fighting arts can be of great benefit. Self control will be learned as well as how to apply self defense if a dangerous situation arises. The art of self control is of utmost importance and when martial arts is taught to the wrong person with the wrong intent it can be a very disastrous situation.

Over the last ten years a lot of mainstream competitions have come into focus, such as the most popular of them all "UFC" Ultimate Fighting Competition, plus others such as "King of the Cage" and "Extreme Fighting". The UFC has caused a lot of interest to come about in the sport and has progressed a lot over the years. Stylists from all over the world are brought together to try out there knowledge and skills and see who is the best.

A lot of wrong ideas have risen due to the UFC, although these fighting styles are great to learn and it may go well in the UFC, it doesn't mean it will necessarily protect you out on the streets. With a sport like karate there is hardly any grappling at all and the focus is on teaching blocking and striking. If you get in close karate is not much good, but from a distance it can be lethal.

At the end of the day if you choose to do martial arts for the right reasons it's a great thing to learn. Martial arts can teach you about yourself and skill you in the art of self defense if you give it a try, that's why its important to pick the best style that will fit your particular needs and what you wish to achieve, as each style has different techniques.

Dean K Michaels is a 20 year + Boxing and Martial Arts Fanatic and writes for the company
For the best prices and fast service check out:

The Author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article as long as its contents remain unchanged and the Author's byline remains in place.


For more on Martial Arts, see

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Next Level - Making Progress in the Martial Arts

By Calasanz Martinez

One of the goals of a good martial arts curriculum is progress. Regardless of the style you have chosen to study, all of them begin with the fundamentals and can take you to the level of mastery. Success however depends on two things: commitment on your part and a skilled instructor who not only teaches you the art, but also challenges you.

To some, progression in the martial arts is about earning another belt or stripe. The space between these belts and stripes however is where the martial artist makes his real gains. This is where all the hard work takes place. In addition to learning the new techniques required by your style's curriculum, you will be tested physically and mentally.

Increasing your fitness level will be challenging, as you push yourself to become faster, stronger and more agile. You can learn thousands of techniques, but if you are not physically fit enough to execute them, they will be of little or no use. This is why it's important for a martial arts curriculum to include conditioning exercises. Take them seriously because they're part of the whole package.

You have to discipline yourself to get to the dojo and train hard on nights when all you want to do is go home and lay on the couch. You may want to eat healthier so you spend more time training and less time digesting! You will have to take all that your instructor has taught you and incorporate it into sparring or self-defense practice. While you've learned many attacks and counterattacks, you may find that you only use a few. This is where you experiment with what really works.

Now it's time for your instructor to do his part. A good instructor will push you beyond your comfort zone. He knows that in order for you to go beyond where you are now, he's going to have to make you work. He's going to have to mix up the physical training so your routine doesn't get stale. He may change up a workout that you've gotten used to. He may ask you to train with different classmates or to train alone. He may ask you to work on your least favorite techniques or learn a really hard form.

Don't get upset if one day he walks into class and turns it all upside down. His experience tells him that a stale routine stalls your progress. The only way to get to the next level is to push past whatever is in your way. Work diligently on what is asked of you. The day of your test is merely icing on the cake. All the work necessary to progress is done between the belts!

Calasanz has created so that people all over the world can experience The Calasanz System in their home.


For more info on Martial Arts, see

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Laser Like Focus - From Walking on Fire to Winning in the Octagon!

By Tony James Mills

No matter what your sport is all the great champions will tell you that having great mental focus on what you want to achieve is essential to reaching your goal of being a winner. If you are serious about competing in anything, then picking up some biographies of some of the previous champions will certainly give you some insight into what it took for them to get to the top and the level of focus and mental power the had to use.

One of the most internationally well known and famous motivational speakers and coaches the world has ever seen must be Anthony Robbins. Anthony Robbins is well known for his seminars and high profile clients. But some may be surprised that some of his recent clientele have included a number of those in the MMA business. Even the legendary former UFC light heavy weight champion Chuck Liddell has been spotted alongside Anthony Robbins. That should be enough for most fighters to want to seek out his advice. Then there is also Dan Caldwell aka 'Punkass' the Vice President of Tapout the MMA clothing superstars who attributes his dramatic success going from working two jobs just to survive to being on track to having Tapout bring in over $100 million in 2009!

A big part of this is all about mental focus. This is demonstrated best through Tony Robbins fire walking experiences in which his clients and seminar attendees walk over burning hot coals. No doubt this takes some serious mental focus to achieve without burning your feet to nubs that will absolutely rule out any type of fighting career. But another great way these stunts help it's practitioners is showing them how to overcome fear. If you aren't afraid to walk on smoldering hot 1,200 degree rocks then you can probably face any competitor in the octagon for a few rounds.

Tony Mills is the Chief Editor of online Content for The MMA Zone. Tony is an expert in the field of martial arts training and conditioning.

To see more article and information on MMA Gear and Martial Arts Supplies please go to The MMA Zone.


For more on Martial Arts, see

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Monday, January 04, 2010

How to Buy Best Martial Arts Supplies

By Mark Stylan

Martial arts have caught the fancy of so many young and dynamic people. These forms of interesting exercises make an individual feel powerful by increasing his or her stamina and ability to protect. Earlier practiced as an art form, nowadays the specialties have attained patronage from many people. However, with the changing time, this art is taken as an effective tool to develop a different fighting style such as judo, boxing and tae kwon do. Besides a necessity, learning different varieties of martial specialties can be treated as a true symbol of style and appeal.With the increasing curiosity, is in great demand. Hence, it is quite beneficial to know about its supplies and from where you can get the best supplies.

Basic martial art supplies may include equipment, uniforms, clothing, shoes and sparring gear. You can approach branded companies such as Adidas, Otomix, Macho and Nike to get your favorite gears at the right price. In fact, many companies offer a variety of stylish and useful equipments and gears for users having different needs and requirements. These equipments gear ensure that you remain stay safe and not hurt while practicing your moves.

Uniforms are one of the most important martial art items that you need to purchase for any kind of specialty that you are interested in. Learners of all categories can get desired uniform and learn steps faster and easily. Everyone wears matching uniforms to look more professional and free to practice moves conveniently.

Buy original and best fit uniforms that give you comfortable feel.

Please visit us at: Martial Arts Supplies and Martial Arts Equipments.


For more information on Martial Arts Supply, see

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Women's Martial Arts

By Alec Olive

Violent crime is everywhere, even the so called safe cities of yesteryear are safe no more and we all have to be aware of the dangers associated with this travesty.

Women are generally known physically as the weaker sex and should do everything possible to protect themselves in case someday they are confronted with a problem.

Ladies, If you want to protect yourself from the possibility of a criminal attack, then learning Womens Martial Arts should be looked at as an essential skill to learn to get you prepared in case the unthinkable happens.

Women are possibly the most common victims of violence, be it domestic abuse, a mugging or the criminal rapist and this is no time for a woman to find out that her skill levels for survival are sadly lacking if this happens. It stands to reason this could happen, it could be as simple as being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So learning self-defense skills and being prepared for the worst scenario, not only will you gain physical empowerment from training in martial arts, it also provides you with mental and spiritual empowerment.

Women's Martial Arts training also teaches confidence, patience and anger management and prepares you in good stead in case an emergency ever arises. It can provide you with a more level playing field.

When you first start training even warm-up exercises may have you fatigued, but knowing that the end result will be well worth all the time and effort that you are putting forth, you will soon see clearly how important self-defense training is. While training is not effortless, it is essential and learning to protect oneself should be a part of woman's everyday life.

With the right program, you can expect to gain a solid set of defense skills and have the confidence of knowing how to apply them.

Women's Martial Arts is great for physical fitness and a great way to lose weight and tone the body. It will help in strengthening muscles while gaining flexibility. It also helps woman gain self-confidence which makes them feel and look more attractive.

The benefits to women are too numerous to count. Not only does martial arts teach women to defend themselves when they need it, martial arts helps women look and feel better in the process.

On the obvious level, martial arts provide a means of self defense against violent crime. It's a great confidence booster if the techniques for fighting back can be learned.

Women's Martial Arts is not about getting aggressive, it's about knowing how to keep out of harm's way, so for women who are the usual targets of assaults, get involved with a good program and learn the skills of being able to defend yourselves.

Knowing that you can hold your own against anyone else, no matter how much smaller you are, will give you a confident state of mind when you are getting on with your life.

Alec Olive invites parties who are interested in improving their mixed-martial arts strength and conditioning program to visit his website


For more information on Women's Martial Arts, see
