Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wado ryu Karate Principles for Self Defense: Part I of II

by Owen Johnston

The Way of Peace School of The Empty Hand
We should seek unity, harmony, and peace within ourselves and the world around us. Do not look to one way of doing things or one technique. Instead, internalize all you have learned, to become water that takes the shape of the situation, and the path of least resistance. Do not meet force with force, but avoid attacks with body movements, footwork, and deflection. Blend naturally with opposing energy to find an advantage or solution.

"Remaining mind" / Awareness.

Breathing art/"Belly art"/Body Focus. Breathe, relax, and settle your body, naturally.

"Mind-without-thinking"/Mental Focus. Empty your mind and be fully aware of all angles. Do not concentrate on one technique, but let your principles guide you according to the situation.

"Life force harmony"/Spirit Focus. Exert your spirit in a powerful yet natural way. Be flexible, intimidating, and untouchable.

Tai Sabaki
Body management/body shifting/"optimum utilization". Wado-Ryu movements are performed with economy of motion.

The 3 body shifting methods - San mi Ittai
These are the 3 body shifting methods that typify Wado-Ryu.

Ten-i - Move away from the attack.

Ten-tai - Turn and realign the body to dodge the attack or reduce the area on your body that is vulnerable to attack.

Ten-gi - Perform techniques while the attack passes through. Consider using his/her momentum to your advantage.

About the Author

The author lives in Lake City, South Carolina, where he also teaches at his Wado ryu Karate school. For more information about Karate and the martial arts, please visit Johnston Wado ryu Karate or the Johnston Karate Online Community.


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