Monday, May 04, 2009

Three Martial Arts Moves You Absolutely Need to Know!

by Steve Gib

So what are some of the best kept secrets in terms of martial arts moves? I will explore and show you some great moves and tips to get the most from your martial arts training and make you an even better, stronger and faster fighter!

Martial arts moves #1 - The groin kick. You can use as many various ways as inflicting damage to the groin as possible, and it is not limited to the kick. You can grab, pull, twist, punch, elbow, stomp, even bite. It's a sensitive area on the male body and doing anything to injure it will work.

Martial arts moves #2 - The eye gouge. When I did extensive training in Jeetkunedo Concepts my instructor forced us to realize that the eye gouge can be more devastating then a punch to the face. If you can shove a finger into his eye socket and cause some serious damage by all means do it. When you see a UFC fighter get eye gouged they take a 5 minute break. Obviously it works so use it!

Martial arts moves #3 - Kick to the kneecap. If you can break through an attackers kneecap you can permanently damage him, and stop the attack from progressing. using this technique you want to visualize yourself kicking through the knee joint. If you can drop a bad guy on the ground and have him squeeling in pain like a baby pig, you've just finished and won the fight!

Try to memorize and implement those three different techniques I outlined above. They are good techniques to incorporate into your training regimen.

I also recommend you download these 2 powerful free reports I have put together on street based self defense! I include many brutal techniques and information you need to know to take your martial arts training to the next level! Download your free martial arts reports right now by visiting:

If you want to find the best martial arts courses and products on the internet I recommend this site! Inside you can get military martial arts, street fighting reports, free articles and more! Download hardcore martial arts moves right now!

For more Martial Arts articles visit

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