Friday, July 10, 2009

Karate Punch

By Fred P Nichols

There are many different ways to strike with the elbow down to the hand, to be exact about 24 different strikes. Basically there are two ways to strike with the hand - open hand and clinched fist. Open hand strikes are effective striking vital areas and pressure points. As well, the open hand strikes allow the arm to relax more making it suitable for multiple hand combination and increased speed.

There are many different types of strikes in the martial arts. By far the most effective and powerful strike is the Karate punch. In the Karate punch the clinched fist is used. The clinched fist tenses the muscles of the arm more than the open hand strikes. The punch is thrust into the target area and as contact is made the wrist rotates. This is called the corkscrew action. The added corkscrew action at the end of the Karate punch tenses the muscles of the arm even more. This is the natural tension of the arm.

For a little experiment make a fist with the palm facing up and the arm extended. Place the hand of the other arm on the bicep of the extended arm. Now twist the wrist of the extended arm so the palm is facing down similar to the Karate punch. You should feel the bicep of the extended arm tense. This is the body's natural focus.

Twisting motion of the wrist is such that the strike makes contact when the palm of the hand has turned 90° from the up position. As the first two knuckles make contact with the intended target. The hand continues to rotate with the corkscrew action until the palm faces down and the strike drives through and into the target.

Timing of the Karate punch:

1. Start with a good stance.
2. Drive off the rear leg by pushing to drive the hip towards the intended target.
3. Shoulder starts moving with the hip.
4. Start the punch movement. Keeping the elbow directly behind the fist
5. As the arm moves forward approximately half way to the target rotate the fist sideways so the palm is facing left or right depending on the arm you are punching with.
6. Continue the corkscrew action as soon as the two knuckles make contact driving through the target.

There are many aspects to the Karate punch. But one of the most important aspects is that the moving parts of the body work in unison. The hips, shoulders, arms, and feet are placed in motion and need to work together. When done correctly a majority of your body mass will be behind the Karate Punch, generating a very powerful punch. Other aspects of the punch to consider:

  • Impact point (Distance to target)
  • Focus and Eye direction
  • Breathing
  • Thrusting the Karate punch
  • Position of the Feet
  • Wrist Location
  • Relaxation and Tension of the clinched Fist
  • Location of elbow relative to the Fist

Another important aspect is breathing. Exhale through the mouth all the way through the execution of the Karate punching technique. To get the air out you are going to have to exhale forcefully because of how fast the technique will be. And the technique must be fast! A loud yell will help in forcing the air out. This is called a Kiai. The kiai function is to force the air out, startle your opponent, direct focus energy, and give you a burst of energy.

The striking area of the hand is the first two knuckles of the hand. These are the knuckles of the index and middle fingers at the base of the hand. The wrist is straight with the first two knuckles leading.

It is very important to keep the wrist straight while making contact with the intended target. If you strike with a bent wrist you will seriously injure the wrist possibly breaking it. Also, at contact make sure the fist is firmly clinched or serious injury will occur to the hand.

Keep your elbow behind the fist at impact. This generates more power into the strike. If the elbow is too far away from the hip and extended out to the side, the shoulder can be injured. The hip rotating puts a lot of power into the impact of the punch. With the hip forward and shoulder jammed the shoulder joint is put into an awkward position. Also, a lot of power or force is directed away from the target area.

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